Throughout his 40+ year coaching career, Coach Tom became ever more convinced of the need for mental performance training to give his athletes an edge in competition and in life.


He became a student of the subject, which led him to Lanny Bassham’s With Winning in MindWith Winning In Mind book cover

After observing a mental management coaching session between Lanny Bassham and Coach Tom’s athlete, Coach Tom registered to earn Level 3 certification in Mental Management Systems™ directly from Mr. Lanny Bassham.

This is the same system that Lanny used to win his Olympic gold medal.

As a young man, Lanny was not an exceptional athlete. After many years of training, though, he achieved his goal of becoming an Olympic athlete only to be disheartened by not winning the gold medal that he felt he was capable of.

Lanny was determined to learn what he was missing. That determination led to years of research, studying dozens of champions, and, eventually, to the creation of the Mental Management System™.

This, in turn, led to Lanny achieving his goal of winning a gold medal at the Olympics!

Coach Tom Hinojosa now offers this training – a proven step-by-step process to reach your goals – through The Mental Performance Academy.